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fun fact,

the Switch port of PortaI 1 and 2 is IiteraIIy 3x better than the originaI PS3 and 360 ports

1080p, 60fps, and actuaI anti-aIiasing instead of the cheap ass bIur the originaI had

oh and
it’s just $20

wouIdn’t it be funny if they tried to seII a cheap ass port for $50 haha

that wouId be
so funny

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And that's Spy x Family (Part 1) finished. I still don't really 'get' why everyone thinks this anime is so great. I enjoyed it sure, it had a couple of funny moments. But I still don't think it's as great as everyone claims it is. Sorry. Might just be me obviously. But I'm committed and want to see Anya succeed and be happy. See you for Part 2.

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For me, it's the characters that sell it. Loid and Yor are interesting protagonists with solid development, but Anya is the one that really steals the show. She is one of the most accurate child portrayals I've ever seen; sometimes being adorable, sometimes being a weirdo, sometimes being a little shit, and sometimes just genuinely caring for her mommy and daddy. She really does lift my spirits whenever she's onscreen and I really want to see her win.

Also, her "heh" face is the stuff of legend.

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uhm... ig minor Thor Love & Thunder spoilers


some people are mad that Korg has 2 dads now... but like...




his species has always been all male



so idk why he would have a mom... if there are no females... of he has 2 dads!


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Sam’s Unwarranted Disney Opinions Ed 3: New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

I feel like a lot of people underestimate the storytelling prowess of Winnie the Pooh. I actually respect it quite a bit and the reason is because its narratives are usually very emotionally mature. All the conflicts in this show are typically the result of an argument, misunderstanding, or mixup.

I feel like this is a great moral to teach kids. Not because there isn’t evil in the world; there is. More because there’s often more to people and their problems than what appears on the surface.

A great example of this premise is the episode “Donkey For a Day”. Pooh and friends see Eeyore sitting alone by himself and come to the conclusion that he’s depressed, so they all attempt to cheer him up in their own way. Naturally, nothing goes plan because they were all thinking of what they enjoyed instead of what Eeyore enjoyed. The episode ends with Eeyore explaining that he was just using his imagination to “cloud paint” and that by seeing his perspective, everyone became happier.

I think the synopsis alone speaks for itself.

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