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I mean anyone can say that though it would only go off of what said person thinks

I find it hard to believe that many don't care when tsushima came out the actual island made the dev team ambassadors

So I would say the take their history seriously

But again I am just going off of one case so who really knows lol

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imagine if ghosts would have been a bad game in terms of game mechanics but still being historically accurate

no one would have cared about it

people only care about this shit when all are there

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Don't join what I'm just stating a point 🤷, this game has been back and forth for months and a huge amount of controversy about the historical accuracy. Now that it's out what's done is done and at the end of the day it's all ubisofts fault for continuously screwing the marketing up for this game

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Saw an article the other day about yasuke's gameplay being different from every other ac protag (both the early stealth ones and layer warrior ones) and made a sort of comparison to ghost of tsushima. And I was just sitting there thinking "...but you could do stealth in got too??"

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Imo I think they should have just focused on a ninja assassin and be done with it but hey ubisoft lol

Anyway though I'm really pumped for next week cause I feel we getting the switch in June, end of may. Just need them to confirm performance boosts for switch 1 games and I'm sold (even though metroid and Mario kart 9 force me to buy it anyway lol)

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You know exactly what I'm talking about lmao

You won't commit to the anti-woke thing like Noleen but you lean that way 😔

Not enough to tweet #SaveStellarBlade but enough to use certain vocabulary

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