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but you know what
I'II give the series this

it has a 3DS game that actuaIIy targets 60fps 👍

and apparentIy on New 3DS, it actuaIIy reaches that more often than not

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You know DaZ I was watching Digital Foundary's video about that new Elden Ring spin off and they said we were cringe for expecting games to be 60 fps because only gameplay matters

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Oh Bloodborne? Nah it's even better they said,

"We belive it is the optimal/best framerate for Action games."

But yet somehow people blame that and there not being a remaster on Sony

Does anyone ever just think that FromSoft doesn't want to remaster it lmao?

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I think it's a crowbcat video that does the best showcase of the first one lol

I think the Scholar edition messed up.some stuff for Dark Souls 2 as well

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....this reminds me
how many times has capcom done any kind of muItipIayer experience weII

the best I can say is RE5's spIit-screen, but even there it doesn't fiII up the entire screen so ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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mkay I just skipped to a random comparison point in the video and

Brightness +50
Gamma +50

remaster done 👍

I'II watch the entire thing Iater and be proper depressed / more appreciative

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In some ways the dark souls 2 one is worse but almost not lol

.... I unironically think that's just what they did sksksksk I've played both and it sure as shit feels like it

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once you figure out wilds mp it's not hard to keep using it but there's just so much needless menuing and loading screens for a current gen multiplayer experience

want to hunt with your friends for an extended period of time? cool just join a Link party. or a lobby. or a squad. but half the time you'll error trying to join. and you have to join every quest back and forth.
want to just explore together and fight together? join environment link. but you can't do any quests together.
want to play through story? welp you can only join once the fight begins so have fun waiting for your friend to watch the scenes and sit through escorts.
even better, want to play through story together? can't do that either, you both have to watch the scenes separately and once you finally reach the fight, one of you has to quit their battle to join the SAME battle with your friend :))

i think the worst offender is the last one. trying to play together with my partner was the worst experience ever

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it's like they don't want you to play the story with anyone, which is sort of fair since it's low rank and basically a glorified tutorial campaign but it's still insane how convoluted everything is

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