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Don't worry, Warhammer will end the same way

The biggest mistake was listening to Nolan on hiring Snyder

Dude can't tell a coherent to save his life, the only way he has is when he has had minimal input like Dawn of the Dead remake, and that was written by James Gunn

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4K 😂

we aren't even gonna see it at a consistent 720p

fun fact, scarIet and vioIet on switch actuaIIy do go up to 900p, but because there's 0 anti-aIiasing they aIways Iook Iike shit anyways

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That's a little disappointing tbh. Like, the show was great, but it really felt like they were planning it as a single season that would lead into the 2nd movie, and I was thinking they might focus on a different character instead (like riddler or catwoman, as examples but not specifically who I'd be gunning for for a series)

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