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Games/Films/TV Chat

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yeah, much like with anything, people really need to focus on curating what they consume, instead of letting algorithms decide everything for them. i've got like... 2, maybe 3 weekly podcast-style things i listen to and none of them reach the level of inanity of the ones you guys were parodying

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Nah don't worry lol I only ever see them in passing, and man I tell ya it's crazy how a 30-90 second clip is literally all I need to see of their 2-4 hour podcasts to know they suck 👌🏼

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> bro I hate women
> yes bro women suck
> here's how women shouId be
> yes bro
> women shouId Iisten to me
> totaIIy bro
> red fIag in a woman is if she speaks
> fr bro peopIe are so afraid to say this you're Iike the og bro


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1. Women/men and why they suck

2. The Matrix and how woke has destroyed America

3. Complaining about movies and video games and saying it's "not as good as they used to be"

4. Complaining about dating

5. Giving half baked political takes that could debunked in 5 seconds with Google.

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So basically

Dating sucks when on the first meeting first date first conversation first message sent the other person doesn't instantly say every single thing right the exact time and way and tone of voice they're supposed to say it and don't 1 to 1 agree with me on every single beliefe I have when it comes to life work ethic food or even pets.

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