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iirc intake is in the front, exhaust is in the back. the ps5 exhausts a lot of heat, so trapping it with a nearby wall can cause it to overheat

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if its getting trapped with the heat then it'll run louder to try and cool down more

giving it sufficient airflow will help with the volume

its the same with PCs and why watercooling is so quiet, fans don't have to run as high to keep the system cool

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honestly couldn't help you any further I'm just explaining the cooling process lol. mine doesn't run that loud unless its been running an intense game for hours but I've never had it turn off due to overheating

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Good lord i hope its not cooked lmao

Its been just a year bruh

Oh it didn’t turn off, a message just popped up

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yeah I've never had that popup either

my old place had plenty of airflow on both sides as my desk wasn't against a wall and never had issues with it. new place is where i turned it sideways so it wouldn't be blowing the heat back into itself on the walls

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'SONIC 3' first reactions to the film are here and looks to be overwhelmingly positive and calling it the best of the trilogy
people are loving Keanu Reeves as Shadow and calling him a standout performance.

though beware of spoilers as stuff is coming out, there are two post credit sequences in the film, so stay around for a while.

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