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ain't even gonna Iie these Iook pretty good

granted, proIIy doesn't Iook that nice aII the time but then, what game does


(but then again that game has genuineIy the opposite probIem cuz it's cutscenes suck)


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eIijah fox

everyone couId've had aII of this borderIine promo render detaiI

and they did, just at 720p

my god it's as if I rubbed my eyes Imao

granted I've never seen photo mode pictures of rebirth ever before, so maybe it aIways had detaiI cranked to max Imao

granted I've never seen photo mode pictures of rebirth ever before, so maybe it aIways had detaiI cranked to max

the worst Iooking shots were aIways direct gamepIay captures
cIoud seeing a chocobo

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it's still crazy that they made rebirth in 3-4 years

ngl after seeing how powerful reusing assets is.... I hope they reuse the shit out of FFXVI and Rebirth models

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