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premature review of astrobot incoming seeing as i havent beat the game yet :P

okay, i havent finished the game as i have work and im playing one hour at a time per day. It felt like a combo of jak and daxter, infamous, kh1 for the platforming, the combat a mix of sly, spyro, crash. the adventure aspect of some ps1 titles i forget the name of but, is reminded of but like mixed together in a recipe is a proper call back to all the old ips we wish were coming back also saying goodbye to those after saying hello to them again like they were old friends we havent seen in years with memories flooding back and we wont see them again for another 30 years. thats what it feel like currently, memories are bliss and its very warm welcoming and the kind of fun that i never thought id get again since i was a kid. I felt like i was finally enjoying gaming again cause hey this is the kind of gaming id want from sony. having this game go through genres that each ip (like infamous for instance) had and i couldnt stop wanting more is something i praise team asbosi (? opps mispelling) cause those devs know what the fans exactly wanted and they aren't afraid to go the extra mile for themselves and for the fans unlike certain first party studios from playstation. they aint afraid to go back to the 90s, the early 2000s and 2005-2009 of gaming and seem like they want to return to those eras too just like most of us.
sorry, mini wall of text heh

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