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I think that was the idea lol- at least when these kind of games were releasing annually.

Rhythm games in general that aren't for a niche like a game franchise or something usually do that - brings in da kidz don't'cha know.

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true true

I'm surprised they don't do a greatest hits type deaI

hits from a range of just 5 years wouId give you an insane amount of content

pIus they don't seem to do Iegacy games

worst part though is that since E3 is dead we wiII never again get the dumb just dance dance sequence during the presentation =(

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well knowing my luck I'm gonna be super on or super off but

Zhongli, Venti, maybe Hu Tao, possibly Diluc, maybe Kashimoto Ayaka and for my last one... I'll guess Cyno.

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