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I haven't kept up with the manga so I haven't seen anything

weirdIy common trend with recent mega hit manga

JJk and especiaIIy chainsaw man come to my mind

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there's a term in japanese which I can't remember but what it basically says is that this is a transition phase every shonen anime goes through before hitting it's finale where everything becomes flashy and the characters are overpowered

they did this on purpose

the same happened to Naruto

pain arc started this bs

where Naruto threw 10k big rasengans

or Sasuke with Susanoo

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While Naruto had a bit of that too, most of it was still in the manga. That was how it was portrayed.

Like yeah you have the infamous pain rasengan scene but other than that it was still following the source material

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Like yeah haki is a thing and can be seen, like with Zoro using Asura

But them suddenly going full yellow, orange and I think I saw a red one too and just being covered in it is too far

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istg can they pIease just make new sounds

or get a unique sound Iibrary

because as it stands, ui goku shares the same transform sound effect as a Iens fIare

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