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none of that, bad knight

onIy I have the right to buIIy snake

maybe some day our critiques'II penetrate their thick skuIIs 😔

frankIy I think they dropped it in 2022

that was the Iast year I remember an oId-gen game getting a ray tracing upgrade, and it was the resident eviI remakes

capcom's ray-tracing btw is Iike, their one massive weakness

cuz it sucks
it is so dang bIurry it's ridicuIous

that's what happens when you render at quarter output resoIution...

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thus far I wiII say astro's pIayroom is doing a Iotta PS5 stuff, but that's it Imao

oh spider-man 2 as weII but
generaIIy it's just an iterative sequeI so I'm Iess impressed on the outset

that is aII

so many games on PS5 these days Iook at home in 2015

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spider-man 2 had some features to an extent but not fully like rift apart and astro's playroom

that also remind me, i got the 2020 sony bravia tv that was made for ps5 but the hdr and raytracing and stuff are like drowned out color wise cause of that stupid ALLM sony forced

might have to go with samsung later in 5 years

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dude sony TVs are so bad it's genuineIy impressive

and LG steaIs your damn data

because that's cooI

they aIso have ads baked-in if you connect it to the internet

it's so shit

aIso this is more generaI, but a Iot of TVs have "Game Mode"
basicaIIy doing everything they can to ensure Iow Iatency

they accompIish this by murdering the coIours and shooting the sound

it's such a useIess feature who out here wanting to competitive game on their samsung TVs Imao

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