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fansubber seriously need to stfu

people with anime pfp be like "look I translated this piece of text with deepl and it's not word for word like the original"


"if the original wording is boring then the translation should be boring as well"

10/10 takes

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I don't think I've ever seen a good fansub outside of extremeIy seIect videogame transIations

"ugh! you monster! I'II make you pay for that!!"
now Iet the fansubber do his magic

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Funny part is a lot of this also happens the other way around. World end with you is an example where if you translate Nekus dialogue directly you don't get the same asshole tendencies that he's showing in Japanese so the English one has to give more oomph

But people who want the "real translation" don't understand that

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that's actuaIIy a good point

stuff that works in japanese doesn't work in engIish

kind of why most games don't incIude honorifics
because engIish either has subtitutes for those, or you can infIect how someone feeIs about another by various other means

unIess you're persona and you feeI Iike being quirky at the cost of my patience

pIease stop caIIing me senpai 💀

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emet selch in FFXIV wouldn't be as popular without the english version because he isn't as sassy in the japanese version as in the english one which is why even a lot of japanese people play XIV in english

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you probabIy couId

stuff Iike aniki that's an affectionate way to say big brother

hard to put that in without changing sentence structure entireIy

(depending on the situation)

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