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I watched episode 1 last night. While it's not the worst thing I've ever seen, don't think I wasn't vocal about choices they made as I watched

Tea is right though, we got people out here acting like the show killed their dog or something

Emphasis on "acting" since I doubt it's their genuine feelings

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As I haven't seen it yet in full, I'm sure you're both right, and Hell I'll throw this out, it sounds like it's better than Shamalans

But the show has 2 things going against it majorly:

1. Those crap ass interviews where they said they were basically change Sokka and Katara for no real reason

2. The original creators left.

Now, I'll be frank, I don't particularly care for those two any more (Voltron ruined them for me), but, regardless, that's a sticking point for everyone.

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Then me personally they were like "oh we wanna throw in political intrigue and make it feel on par with Game of Thrones"

And me and DaZ were like "yeah cause that wasn't already done in the cartoon. You ass* *holes."

I called them assholes, DaZ did not.

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