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Games/Films/TV Chat

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> Exclusivity:
> 4 titles being made multiplatform. Phil not naming said games now as he wants the Devs to be able to do the announcements themselves. All games are over a year old though.
> Starfield and Indiana Jones are not among the 4.
> No promises beyond these 4 games.
> Phil believes exclusives are going to become less of a focus for the game industry in the next few years.
> Community driven games seem to be among the more likely games to go cross plat.
> 10 major releases coming in 2024.
> More to be shared at the June showcase.
> 1st Party games and Gamepass:
> Restating that all 1st party games will still always be on gamepass day one.
> AVB games coming to game pass. Diablo 4 coming March 28th
> Crossplay/Crosssave:
> Believe crossplay/save are integral to xbox games.
> Want to work on "catching up" as more teams are integrated into xbox on this.
> Hardware:
> "Hardware is where you get the most flagship seminal experience for xbox."
> "More creators building for xbox than ever before"
> Focused on making the largest technical leap for the next generation.
> Hardware announcement is coming this holiday season.
> Game preservation:
> Phil looks to how windows handle compatibility.
> "Cloud saves, server life, and making sure they respect the investments people made in xbox is fundamental"

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Exclusives help bring out competition, they should stay

I do find it funny that they spent such a long time on this to just announce a podcast that could have been summarized in a blogpost or a tweet

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Apple products are so popular because of their eco system. You like one apple product, you will like them all and they will all work together with no issues. Android phones give you more options and tools to work with in a phone and you get more variety out of them than Apple.

It's the same with consoles. The exclusive games are what sells them other than stuff like COD.

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