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ofc amd

we don’t want our system to have rtx without dying 🔥

that aside, pIaystation 6?
what am I gonna even need that for

if it comes with 10TB storage maybe I’II consider it

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I'm fine with movies released again but like, idk to me it should be mostly reserved for classic films, or films that couldn't get out there cause Covid

This is the second time they've re-released it lmao

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Idk it makes me think that they're just trying to squeeze as much money out of these movies as possible. Granted, that was more of a reaction towards Endgame and Avatar rereleasing in theaters trying to out do each other

But for older movies, I don't mind as much

Though TPM being rereleased a second time is kinda silly, even if it is for an aniversary

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I don’t mind a movie re-reIeasing as Iong as it’s for a good reason

Iike hey, Iion king premiering in 4K for the first time? sure why not

endgame re-reIeasing because they… feIt Iike it IDK just feeIs pointIess

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the Pathé cinema closest to me regularly schedule "old" movies, they like to do all the harry potter or all the star wars

Iron man next month for example

not sure how it works tho

also i finished palworld, captured all pals and beat all bosses, now i need to wait for content update, took me 70h to figure out the xbox game bar shit was making the game lag, so my pc can actually run it fine after disabling it... i'd say it is definitely a good survival and monster collecting game and i'm very curious of what they do with it

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