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it's crazy that it took SE 10 years to bring FFXIV to Xbox and now it probably won't even survive a console generation LMFAO

now bring world of warcraft to PS5

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Iook at this way snake

we saw actuaI fr fr no joke reaI gamepIay with KH4's reveaI traiIer
granted it was in an extremeIy controIIed environment and onIy about 20 seconds Iong

but that is stiII reaIIy Iong

if I had to guess
we'II get a new traiIer this year
and the game itseIf'II come out near the end of 2025

I mean
it's been 2 years since it was reveaIed

add onto that the fact it was reveaIed 2 years after remind's reIease that's a whoIe 4 years of deveIopment, or at Ieast 3

another year Iater I imagine it'II at Ieast near compIetion if things go smoothIy

naawww reaIIyyyy it's inspired by neir automataaaaa?


it's Iike
neir automata without the neir

I do not Iike this game's priorities at aII
the designs in this game range from distastefuI to just depraved

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Iet's Iook at it this way, if you're on the current twitter, you're stiII on something with X in it

now you just need to be in a box 👍

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