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His body was going

through petrification/lithification as a result of the crystal's curse


That being commented, I imagine Jill was

saved from that process due to the crystals being destroyed


The post-credit scene doesn't tell us who

wrote the Final Fantasy book that used Joshua's research. You would hope Clive picked up the pen like Harpocrates suggested if he didn't meet a petrifying fate. Clive used the boosted phoenix power to mend the hole in Joshua's chest, but that was well after the battle w/ Ultimalius and the passing of power w/ no visible reaction from Joshua


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It's still crazy that none of this was in og P5 and this entire arc easily topped every other persona game that came before it

billy kametz was a firetrucking legend

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ngI I'd actuaIIy be pretty happy with haIo on pIaystation

mainIy cuz I'd be abIe to pIay it

it's funny, even though haIo's themes and ui coIours are primariIy bIue
it'd stiII just Iook weird on an actuaI pIaystation consoIe

on one hand, one can hope

on the other hand pfffffffffff no

they are not gonna be abIe to justify it being a seperate purchase and not incIuded with the originaI reIease I do not think they're gonna do that

mainIy cuz peopIe wiII just decide they Iike the answer now because they feeI Iike it idk

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