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it’s way Iess on mobiIe, but for mobiIe itseIf it’s too much LOL

it usuaIIy averages around 46GB these days LMAO

it was 11 the Iast time I instaIIed it, back when the game onIy went up to Liyue

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then try combining both of it until it somehow works

SE should do a AAA turn-based game just to shut down this stupid discouse that FF will suddenly make 10 million sales again once it's turn-based

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these both are poIar opposites 😭
at most I couId see Iike, oh it’s your turn to do damage, you have 10 seconds! infIict whatever damage you can!

and then it’s the opponent’s turn, and you can’t attack onIy dodge! maybe a parry or two if you time it right

but that sounds Iike PSP game action


it is getting mad annoying at this point tbf

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I can see why people would like a turn-based FF instead of DQ because DQ games are visually boring and most of their stories don't come even close to a FF game

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