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Idk why, vivi is a black mage and the cat was an orange cat

But ye… we saw him less and less after a certain moment too

That moment being right after he let another cat in our house who then became our cat and then the orange cat was just “k imma peace out”

I still believe that the first cat wanted to be on his own but also knew we wanted a cat so just introduced us to the other cat so we wouldn’t be alone with him

That other cat is still alive and poppin btw


Wait bad pic

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the only one that has hurt me was one that was unintentional

physicsgirl getting long covid

starting Echo now and they got a really good child actress for maya. looks a LOT like the older actress lol

oh wait wasnt she shown in hawkeye too? idr

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has marvel said anything concrete about the continuity of daredevil with the new shows yet

i never finished the Netflix series so I'm like. should i go watch it through now cause he keeps showing up in these new shows

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