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I know one!!!

dammit we've had too many mom jokes I can't say it 😔

you know what screw it

Iift's mom

bro she's a gamer

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the funniest thing was my coming out even though it wasn't that necessary because LGBTQ+ was already more accepted in society. When I told my friends that I am bi my other friend told me that she's trans and the other one that he's gay LMFAO

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so epic 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

yup this is so

there isn't gonna be ethicaI use bro
maybe from indie studios but ain't no way from big companies

when you can just feed an ai their Iines and probabIy most IikeIy not even check for the resuIt

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this seems like they want voice actors to be able to sell their own voice via AI but didn't the US government already push a law that AI stuff isn't copyrighted?

this is firetrucking horrible


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that's so sick

this music plays in a bossfight and the moment the music changes the boss casts stop on your entire party and the crowd just did the same

that's how it works in the boss fight

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