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it's funny though the one thing ai can't do is make new things since it's mostIy just a database

though, a weII-trained AI couId probabIy come up with cooI new innovative concepts, but that in it of itseIf wouId have to be a breakthrough

they can hardIy be researchers or anything so

get to archeoIogy feIIas they don't got Iegs


man what'm i getting my degree for 😭

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if AI could promise me that in the future no one has to work and we can live without even working I would be fine because then we could turn our work just into hobbies

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though there's some philosophical experiments regarding this already. People expect that if society is perfect and no has to work people will lose their will to live because to fully appreciate things in life you have to go through hardships sometimes.

One of my favorite quotes regarding that is "To live is to suffer. And in suffering find strength, and purpose, and hope"

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