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I Iike to think of him as that cousin your mom teIIs you to not foIIow the exampIe of

I aIways saw that second game's box everywhere but never picked it up
to this day I've never even seen gamepIay of these two games

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making skin more reactive to lighting is a massive improvement not only for players with dark skin, but players with off white colored skin as well (any pink, blue, or green skins show up weird in dark or purple lighting currently)

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At long last... Attack on Titan has finally been completed. Unfortunately... to give my final thoughts... I'll have to use the spoiler box thing.

I can see why everyone has been comparing the ending to Code Geass and even the anime as a whole I suppose. At the end of the day... it is what it is I guess. For me personally though... I just don't like it when they kill off the MC. It just makes everything seem pointless. But just me.

I'd say I enjoyed the franchise though overall. One of the better franchises from the last several years. What will the next one be? Who knows. Unless Toonami airs JJK or something idk.

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