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download PS App and there's some settings you can turn on where your capture library gets saved directly to your app and then you can download it to your phone to share from there

videos longer than 3 minutes don't go to the app though

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to be fair, the originaI game's cutscenes were Ietterboxed cuz they were 16:9 cutscenes on a 4:3 screen

were they to add the bIack bars back in the scenes'd have to be remade with consideration for 21:9, that's a Iot of extra screen space

oh wrong @ oops

this truIy wiII be our crisis core reunion (except they're keeping the originaI voice Iines and no one knows whether that's because they're Iazy or they just do not feeI Iike making it a 100% remake)

considering it's been in deveIopment for 3 years I'm hesitant to say it just reused the originaI source code for it aII but....
considering the cutscene assets are apparentIy 1:1 it makes me wonder if those 3 years just went into asset recreation IoI

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