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yes and I want this because we don't have many sets like this in XIV

instead we get dumb shit like this

I know that XIV players bitch a lot about casters getting robes

but turbans are the true evil

they never look good

I hate them so much

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Maybe I'll watch it online, I'm curious to see if it is comically* bad like the scuttlebutt song or *another one of them

I could sense all of Awkwafina's emotion when she sang "WAH WAH WA-KA WAH" 🔥

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Iet's see, pros:
HaIIey BaiIey is a great actress, she did great throughout the movie and can aIso sing great
MeIissa McCarthy did seriousIy great as UrsuIa, Iike aII throughout, singing was aIso incredibIe
2 comedic moments did Iand
as AeriaI picks up a figure, Eric says the most hiIarious Iine I've ever heard, "my IittIe mermaid"

k cons time:
every other actor was bad
ScuttIe made me audibIy say shut up everytime she spoke, can't sing to save her Iife
Sebastian has 0 charm or energy, aIso can't sing
King Triton is awfuI, Iike COMICALLY terribIy acted it's absurd, he's aIso not IikeabIe in the sIightest
horribIe cg, no one Iooks underwater for even a moment
Prince Eric's new song is autotuned to heII
Prince Eric himseIf is a totaI baby now, far from the charismatic dude he was before
aII the "expanded" content is pointIess and beats you over the head with what it's trying to say
there's no coIour in the movie and it's way too dark

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No way in heck am i gonna pay 9 clams to watch this but i could watch it online with a beer or something similar

1) Movie is peepeepoopoo even for my standards but halle did an okay job
2) Literally muppet murder mystery

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