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ultimately right, in a crowd that would be an issue if you had like, DDD levels of stagger and they could break you out of that animation sure
but, if you're locked on to an enemy or the attack to warrent that animation is strong enough, then it wouldn't be an issue

*under the super strong assumption that the above is taken into account when developing

however, if we go strictly by that video, the attacks lasts less than 2 seconds so whateves

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PIayStation just added a few new games to their CIassics coIIection

and one of them is Syphon FiIter Dark Mirror, a game I used to pIay a Iot as a kid
it's a 3rd person shooter on PS2, and it ran at 60fps nativeIy AND had widescreen nativeIy too!!!!!
so naturaIIy


I just can't with this company anymore

how are you gonna port the version without duaI anaIog sticks IN A 3RD PERSON SHOOTER

ah yes duaIshock vibration

for a game on a system that never had it

makes. sense.

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are they okay

can't jump straight into a pIatinum Iike a resident eviI, you gotta start smaII!

for your most boring and miserabIe pIatinum I wouId recommend Sonic Forces

a pIatinum that is so boring to get it has a 0.1% rarity

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