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IateIy for bot pixar and disney I've been more appreciating the raw detaiI in their animation rather than the movies themseIves
I Iike encanto quite a Iot but outside of that none of them have stuck around in my head for more than 5 minutes after watching them

they're either unremarkabIe, boring, or not even sIightIy my thing

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I'm a Disney animated movie freak, but I know when to shit on them

This is one of those times

Like their original art/storyboards are actually really dope (especially OG Elsa) but the outcome of it is just sad

They turn into a generic looking character

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out of the Iast severaI movies from pixar I've onIy genuineIy Ioved coco
Iuca was fine
turning red is my nightmare
Iightyear is bIand
what eIse was there uhhh


the mere fact that not even a non-canon thing Iike KH was aIIowed to impIement that version of eIsa is true despair

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One of my friends showed me some of this stuff in artbooks and this shit looked dope. It's crazy how different things turn out in the final product

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here's why

asmongold already said he will stream the entire game, same for some of the biggest german content creators, if asmongold plays XVI other streamers will play it too because that's how the twitch game works

which will snowball into everyone playing it

the moment they showed these big summon fights and action combat in general the game was sold for these people

the only thing that prevents the game from not selling well is the game being bad

but so far the game has no red flags

even my firetrucking mom thinks that cid is hot


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