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i had the normal 6 before and i honestly hated it. so full of bugs and glitches. almost gave up on pixel line after that after all these years but im glad the 7pro has fixed basically every issue i had before lol

like I'd gone from a 3xl to the 6 and if my 3xl weren't broken i would have switched back, that's how bad it was

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Exactly. And like, I know part of the reason is they want to keep it cheap, but I'd be perfectly willing to pay extra for a Switch that's up to modern standards. 500 to 600 would probably be a reasonable investment to me.

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When I had my job interview they asked me about the payment and this is one of the first things I told them that I won't do anything for free and that the payment will reflect my performance at work. I basically told them that if the payment is bad I will only do the absolute minimum.

they hired me btw


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It's freaking crazy that this guy worked in the same company as Yoshi P who is the complete opposite

I believe the FFXIV team works only 30 hours a week which is why they made the patch cycle longer

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that's so nice

it's funny cuz anything Nintendo in Saudia and Pakistan is IiteraIIy 2x the price of anything Sony or Xbox 😍

I'm taIkin $85 for BoTW

the highest I ever saw was Pokemon Sword for IiteraIIy the equivaIent of $120

we don't get much Nintendo here so them being cheap is just not a thing I associate them with

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I think for a time Microsoft was keeping games exclusive to their store, but they’ve got a good working relationship with Steam now. Just today, Halo MCC received an update on Steam enabling full compatibility with Steam Workshop.

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