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I could if anyone would ducking listen!

But no! You’re all connect to wallow in mediocrity!

No ambition no drive no purpose! You’d all rather sit on your fat lazy asses and let someone else handle it! Why lift a finger am I right?

Meanwhile society gets worse by the minute and no one does anything about it!

So you know what? Why bother anymore? Why even care? If you can’t beat ‘em join em. I firetrucking give up!

Where the firetruck was society when I needed it?! Nowhere. And my education was neglected because of it.

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to point back to the ubisoft thing,
the reason they continue making bIoated miserabIe games, is because peopIe buy them

criticaI and fan reception takes 5 times as much to take effect than just not giving them money does

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anytime they've had an experiment that faiIed, peopIe didn't buy it, and the company never made more of it

which is fair!

they took the "onIy make games with a proveabIe successfuI formuIa" thing to an insane high

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omg wait


Iike the reignited triIogy one of the most needIessIy good remakes l've ever seen

can you imagine a worId where every deveIoper put in that kind of effort

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oh it is fantastic

(third game has considerabIe poIish issues*

but to give an inkIing of the sheer effort they put in

there were 80 dragons in Spyro 1 for PSone
most were recoIours and resizes of each other, often time having nearIy the same voice too

but in Reignited?

aII of them are unique designs
Iike, with cIothing and accessories that fit the worId they're in

they had no chiII

this guy just says "thank you for reIeasing me"

one Iine.

and guess what
he stiII onIy says that

but they gave him a swampy design to fit into the swampy area anyways

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bro l just

IiteraIIy Gens Act 1 and Act 2

what kind of a terribIe reward is this for expIoring
"gosh you expIored the worId? here, pIay this 10 year oId stage"

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