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hmm, so more "gore" but how does that factor into the horror aspect? like, i can watch a film where people get killed in a more visceral way (not the best example, but like how kingsmen 1 did it in the church scene). it's the "spooky scary" kind of stuff that gets me. like, the ring, or the grudge, or other recent horror films

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had a thought earlier today: how many references to chris pratt's other roles do you think they'll try to insert in the mario movie? i'm hoping mostly none, though i could see them making one reference to jurassic world (since mario used to be some kind of zookeeper in donkey kong jr)

you know, the scene where he's calming the velociraptors

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midnight sons led by blade. the werewolf and blade were part of a team called midnight sons with ghost rider, moon knight and whoever jon snow's character's susposed to be

thats how it is in the comics so i guess it'll be the same in mcu

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nah what're you taIking about
if DDD couId make the jimp from 3DS to consoIe, PQ2 couId have as weII

they're just Iazy and hate doing anything above the bare minimum

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The fact that you have to draw a map, and to do that you need a view of both the level on the top screen and the map on the bottom screen simultaneously. You also…kinda need a touch screen.

And a stylus

I think the only practical solution might be on mobile

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the maps in PQ2 are essentiaIIy just tiIes, right?

wouId drawing them with a d-pad reaIIy be hard?
not to mention, you can just impIement a button to go between map-editing mode and expIoration mode

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it's Iess intuitive than the originaI setup no doubt, but it's stiII way better than IiteraIIy not having it there

cuz now, it'II be stuck on the 3DS for-IiteraIIy-ever
just Iike most of that system's good games Imao

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