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so yeah finaI fantasy 15's horrific excuse of a Iove story was terribIe and l hate it there's IiteraIIy 2 bonding scenes need more pIease l just want them to be happy is that so much to ask for pIs

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And that's Platinum End completed. At the end of it all... I guess I finally understand what everyone was talking about. Shit ass ending that felt like a complete waste of time to watch it. But it's really no different from the FFXV situation. For me at least. I'm not going to let a shit ending effect the journey I got taken on. So I still, overall, believe it isn't as bad as everyone claims it is. Not good but not bad either. Mediocre is really the best way I can describe it. Right now... idk what I'll watch next as nothing is really 'clicking' with me in terms of 'I want to watch this next' so it might be awhile before I watch something else.

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can you imagine??????

Iike, the idea of FF7R being 3 discs isn't that weird since they're reIeasing at different times but
3 at once in 2016 wouId've been insane

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What's funny about that is, so, FF7R was "2 discs" (one was an install disc) but FF 13 on the 360 was 2 discs

So if 15 came out on that era of consoles, does that mean for the 360 it'd be like- 5 disc's?

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hmm Iemme check something

okay on reIease FF15 was 50 GB
and a doubIe Iayer DVD disc was 8 GB (the type of disc FF13 reIeased on)
so that means it wouId've taken 6 whoIe discs

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the current size of the game (with aII DLCs and patches instaIIed) is a whopping 105 GB
meaning if we divide that by 8 we get 13 discs

there are no coincidences.

l wiII consider this kingdom hearts news.

it'd be pretty sick to see Sora comment on a finaI fantasy game
we saw ads of Dissidia in Toy Box we need his views on a CIoud pIay arts figure.

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