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But isn't it just a bit too little too late? They could have had one 10 years ago

Well cause 8 not only sucked it was also controversial and Solo bombed so they were in full damage control.

Still have no idea if Johnson is getting his own trilogy or not lol

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finaIIy, now an in-house team can be crunched and be Ied to make bizzare decisions 😌

these incIude not giving spider-man's cg suits any wrinkIes.

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I would have liked it more but, while the ideas were cool and different if you never read any of the books lmao the movie is so firetrucking smug about it. It feels like how frozen felt- it's taking the piss out of what came before it but it's PART of what came before it

The movie just had this air of "we're GROWN UP Star Wars, hahaaaa" know what I mean? It was very aware of itself.

Sounds about right.

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It felt too much like it was "setting up" something

Like, that movie felt like "sub-franchise" bait. I'm glad it bombed- they would have done that with everything.

Did we need a Solo trilogy? Or a Boba Fett trilogy? A movie or two every year WITH Marvel, AND Pixar AND Disney? Nah man, I'm good.

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Just because you don’t want more of something doesn’t mean nobody does. Just let people enjoy what they like. You can criticize it, but you shouldn’t pray for movies to bomb just because they’re not your flavor.

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