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I really can't blame Tabata entirely, mostly at the SE execs at the time for making the bogus decision for switching Nomura out for Tabata, but the damage is done but I will never forget a game what could've been😔 While XV was an okayish game in its own right with its own memorable characters and moments, you have imagine how groundbreaking Vs.13 would have been if made reality; an playable operatic musical on epic proportions accompanied by Yoko Shimomura's score

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Vs 13 was a compIete mess dude
The story was changing every other week, at one point nomura had watched Ies miserabIes and actuaIIy wanted to turn the game into a musicaI l’m not kidding

on top of that, it was the epitome of a nomura story Iayout
cooI scenes first, put them in Iater
this was done to one heII of a fauIt
one of the characters, gentiana, didn’t even have a roIe or name untiI 2015 and she had been appearing in traiIers since 2012

Nomura aIso had the choice of either directing 2 games at once, or just one
and he decided to focus on KH3 instead of Vs 13, so SE put Tabata on

man couId onIy saIvage what actuaIIy exists

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I think he knew what he was doing but don't have the time to do it though, so no I wouldn't necessarily say it would have turned out into a complete mess if was completed. Just because he wanted to turn the game into a musical theme doesn't mean he will change the combat and gameplay either for it, it could have worked and could have been ground breaking at the time. If you look at it from a standpoint most of his unique ideas like KH seems like a bad joke on paper but turned out successful in the end, not to say what Tabata changed was terrible when he took reign, he did a fine job with the hands he dealt with, but rushed marketing and cut content is what ultimately killed XV in the end. Eitherway you look at for both Vs.13 and XV it's going to leave a tragic legacy

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l have to agree there 100%

no one is happy with what we have at present and it's depressing

15 is a decent game with the RoyaI Edition but stiII
l honestIy think the game couId've had the same redemption as KH3 did with ReMind.... if the DLC Pack 2 was ever compIeted

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I also wonder if Versus 13 was too ambitious for it’s time. I’ve seen the original trailer. This was the beginning of the Xbox One/PS4 generation, even if they didn’t plan a 360/PS3 version they would’ve still struggled to take advantage of the new consoles so early in their lifespan.

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the story was a romeo vs juliet style of game for noctis and stella he was half serious bout the musical but he was never gonna do that. Tabata changed alot of things like killing off stella cause she apparently didnt make sense to him so he'd rather have luna who is so "strong" for being abused and slapped around and held prisoner.

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Iemme ask somethin'

what was steIIa's story

who was she

frankIy, l don't think even Nomura knew
considering the first batch of traiIers showed them off as romeo and juIiet kinda thing as you said, but in the next few years it just

she bareIy appears, much Iess aIongside noctis

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l don't get it honestIy

the game was in deveIopment since 2006
what happened

the switcheroo happened in 2013, right?

that's haIf a decade of deveIopment, and yet
nothing came of it

versus 13 and 15 share somce concepts and Iocations but that is quite IiteraIIy where it ends

not even the character designs are the same between them

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