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I finished Tales of Abyss last night. Yeah... I can't let the fact that this game is stuck on 'out of date' consoles hold it back. Seriously. I can't. It was the best god damn Tales of game I've ever played*. No questions asked. It wasn't even *close* honestly. God damn AMAZING** from start to finish. Best god damn character development for *the entire party* I've seen in a very long time. It might even be better than some Final Fantasy mainline games I've played. They need to port this again. No questions asked. Period. 3DS is closing next year so there's no excuse anymore. I can't praise this game enough honestly. I can't. Luke is now my favorite Tales of MC and again it's not even close. If you can find a way to play this game... ***DO SO. You won't regret it. IMO. I guess. Whatever. Either way next up, which I've already started as of last night, is Trails of Cold Steel 3.

Here's my update Tales of list for those who want it.
Graces f
Symphonia 2

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For final fantasy worlds, I'd say Lindblum from FF9, I haven't played a lot of ff so can't say. For Disney, I'd love a Fox and the Hound world, Inside out, Princess and the frog, and lilo and stitch.

Lilo and stitch if it wasnt only in space.

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Kingdom Hearts with Pokemon!?! That's absolutely genius👍Unfortunately I have my hands full with watching a marathon of Hercules the Legendary Journeys with my nephew over the weekend to keep him occupied

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Abyss ❤️
Your takes on the series are fascinating to me. Not in a bad way, of course. It's got me legitimately curious about things. For example, many people put berseria low on their lists and have vesperia at the top, but yours reverses that. Obviously I'd have to talk to other people whose lists are more "mainstream" to get the full picture (since I realistically only have your side currently), but it's still fascinating

It's like, you can use gear to obtain grub, and fun is only good if you're not stranded/will be leaving the island very soon

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I was going to pick grub at first.

But everyone in my friend group is going for gear

Was going to pick fun just to avoid tricolor turf war and defending the rocket thing in the middle but whatev

"Gear is the more logical", which is true, but

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