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I FEEL like I’m 50. I feel like I’m the only sane person left in a world that is clearly falling apart. Yet does anyone do anything? No, because that would require effort. Better off letting the train run off the track so nobody has to get off their fat lazy ass.

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Anyways anyways

Play Station, XBox, Switch or PC?

I own a Switch and a PC tho I game measly on my PC and pretty much only have my Switch for when I go somewhere and for the Nintendo exclusives

(Btw am not asking which is the best one, am asking which one you guys use)

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l’II give em’ this, they have the best way to pIay Sonic Generations and UnIeashed

frankIy they’re more of a Iegacy game powerhouse than modern PIayStation Imao

and that is thanks to their surprising efforts

shame it doesn’t have any excIusives l want IoI

but l am stiII quite envious of what they posses

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See with Sony I look at it as "Ok they're being conscious of the fact that people still want to play their old games."

When I look at Sega/Xbox, I think to myself "Oh damn ok so old games are part of their entire marketing/plan lol"

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but in the case of the first and Iast company there, they are onIy interested in porting their 2D games

won’t even put em’ in widescreen smh

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I mean Konami is just.... I don't know to think of them aside from looking forward to them re-releasing games in a collection bundle package, the only new recent title that turned decent was like that Getsu Fuma den sequel on the Switch other than that I'm not sure it's company that holds up to it own promises. Like remember that announcement they made for a live action contra movie coming out in China, well turns out its just promo video for their mobile game, tv series adaptation yeah I don't know what happened there, and remember the push like in 2020 for making alot Eden Zero games? That didn't go too far now did it?

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