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Nah, if fact I prefer animation as a medium.

But Hawk,

People look down on animation. Lots of people dpnt see it as an equal, or "a real victory." Obviously I'm saying this in the Disney Square sever so that sounds stupid lol but, it's true.

The only way to beat marvel, is to overtake Marvel.

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nah man, i know how it is. it's why animation is a category in those film awards shows instead of letting them be included with all the other films. it's bullshit, honestly

but consider: if dc beats marvel in live-action, it's likely they'll suffer in animation as a result. it's possible they can balance them both, but knowing how these companies have been over the years, i see it being out of balance for a long time

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Yes, now that I think about it, the reason why both things practically balanced out in the earlier years is because they didn't do too many things at once, they had time to focus on improving one and the other. Even though they are far apart in between they still manage to deliver it in better presentation. So for example if they did an animated DC/Marvel feature way before doing live action, but started doing like maybe just 2 live action adaptations around that 2 year span I'm pretty sure it would have turned out great for both without too many sacrifices. But right now they are just making stuff up the wazoo left and right, too much production staff, writers, producers etc. to keep everything in perfect maintenance now.

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thought process in some cases is likely something along the lines of "it's ok to have a few less successful releases as long as they all make money, but it's ideal to have a real blockbuster that makes more than those less successful ones combined"

this is for many studios, btw, not just one

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think what sam means is that you can't attack while you're dodging, and you only get the window for one attack before having to go back to dodging. compare and contrast to, well, kh, where you can attack even if the boss is attacking (at your own peril, though)

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tbh, l just reaIIy disIike just how definite the amount of hits bosses in pIatformers take
the onIy ones l’ve seen break that sIightIy are Rayman Legends and A Hat in Time

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