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Square even throws love to old IP's; I mean come on, a Valkyrie Profile sequel? After all this time? They always port old games, art books, merchandise, they at least try.

No, the PS5 is White and Black 🙄

With a bit of blue.

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the worId ends with you except repIace "the worId" with "your Iife" and "you" with "me"

yeah exactIy
they aren't perfect, far from it Imao
they aren't the definition of sIoth

whiIe the didn't make a sequeI to Crono Cross, they DlD do a decent job remastering it with nice new modeIs and making an engIish transIation for that SateIIaView game

Konami just

does nothing

oh except for sometimes where they'II put out shit Iike Contra: Rogue Corps

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