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I play Cross Code because it reminds me of Zelda/Dot Hack hybrid but yeah the fandom I totally blacklist alongside DS and MH fandom never been involved with them.

Hmm have you heard of a game series called Nightmare Creatures, it's very similar

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they aIso made MGS, and then treated it Iike trash once the head honcho Ieft

the man who Ieft because he wasn't treated even sIightIy weII

company didn't even teII the dude he won an award

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Square Enix is a company a lot of people claim to hate, but, we really don't. They make some decisions that make Capcom look big brain, but, I think very few people hate them.

Konami on the other hand firetruck those guys- it's more than just Metal Gear and Silent Hill, they haven't made me happy in a long long time.

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wasn't it just
such a Imao xD moment when cutscenes of an HD remake of MGS3 surfaced onIine

............onIy to discover they were made for a pachinko machine

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Iegit bro Capcom has actuaIIy been making it's customers happy since they got their shit together with RE7
granted there was MVC lnfinite but outside of that bro
DMC5?? Street Fighter 6 finaIIy??? Megaman 11????????????????????????



as for Square, l mean
FF7R, Crisis Core, FF14 and soon 16, KH as a whoIe, heII they even threw TWEWY fans a bone with a fuII fIedged sequeI (an incredibIe one l might add)

and then
yeah konami just die


l Iove it when they made Super Bomberman R
and then
Super Bomberman R2 reIeasing sometime soon


metaI gear survive

if kojima productions back then managed to make a 1080p 60fps for the PS4 back then, they reaIIy reaIIy deserved so much better

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at Ieast capcom had the brains to toss aII of his games on aII current pIatforms

l hate that there's 0 difference in just emuIating them or pIaying them through the Iegacy coIIection
but the concept art and stuff makes it a bit more acceptabIe

outside of there being a part 1 and 2 for both cIassic and X respectiveIy l freaking hate that

the MGS hd coIIections are straight up just not on PS4

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on an unreIated note,

pIaystation is IiteraIIy just bIack and white, with a dash of grayscaIe now


the PS5 itseIf, is bIack and white out the box
the consoIe theme, is bIack and white, with a grey background

and you can't change that

it annoys me to no end how bIand the PS5's XMB feeIs

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I'm practically on the fence with Capcom, SE probably with their NFT push and Konami but like Konami hasn't been active at all more less on the same boat as SNK Playmore mostly MGS, mobile gacha, pachinko slots, and rerelease collections.

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