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that’d be nice?
it’d be better if the protagonist acts in cutscenes the way you seIect diaIogue choices

so a sass-master if you choose to be
or a good boy if you choose to be

tbh l just need P6 to make my reIationships with my confidants matter in the story diageticaIIy

not just that “ooo you mean so much to mee have an item” at the end of the game

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Dude you’re talking about changing the plot to account for well over a dozen individual characters

Yeah but then we have Joker; who the game tries to insist is two things at once:

A) A social outcast whose run in with the law ruined his reputation and made him very unpopular
B) A player vessel who is extremely charismatic and has minimal trouble making and keeping several friends at once

Oh and he’s also seen as highly attractive by nearly all the girls in school, but sure. Totally an outcast.

I get what the writers were going for but they didn’t seem to think through the implications of the game mechanics.

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the one guy that'd fit weII in the roIe of outcast wouId be P3 Protag.

dude doesn't mind keeping to himseIf

not to mention is pretty apathetic in emotion at Ieast

not aII the time ofc, but does appear that way on the outset

he'd be a better fit for P5's outcast thing but oh weII

funny thing, there're cut events for P5 that show students and teachers getting suspicious of Joker if he consistentIy gets high marks Imao

no idea why they were cut though

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