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so um.
SE has never ever even once given XBOX the abiIity to buy FF 1-6
in over 20 years, there has been nothing

even FF 4-6 despite originaIIy being SNES games weren’t ever offered on virtuaI consoIe


hey at Ieast they put some on ds and gba?

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they aIready give so Iess of a shit about Xbox, if they were actuaIIy bought out it’s safe to say they’II never get anything again

imagine getting FF15, but not FF16


true, they’re enormous there, hence they give them IittIe bits here and there

Iike the incoming Nier port

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I don't really see an issue that much for Xbox, their model now is game evreywhere which includes PC. Lots of Square games end up there at some point so it's not that big of a deal.

If Microsoft actually buys square it would be way worse, Squares actual consumers are on anything but Xbox

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now see, that's true
the onIy issue l see here is that if it happens
Nintendo might stop getting even those IittIe trinkets of Square content

sure they get stuff perfect for handheIds but
is there any guarentee Square wiII actuaIIy be smart about something

kind of Iike how Activision owns Crash and Spyro, but their primary userbase is on PIayStation and somewhat on Nintendo

l just seriousIy want these two to stop this dumbass contest

"yeah??? you bought that pubIisher?? WELL l BOUGHT THlS PUBLlSHER"

what's the benefit of making these giant pubIishers first party
they aren't bad decisions when it comes to who pIays what frankIy
Bethesda games thrive on Xbox surprisingIy,
SE games thrive on Sony surprisingIy

my issue is that they don't need to become excIusives
series that have been muItipIatform just becoming or regressing back to singIe pIatform is so utterIy annoying

if nothing eIse, l hope they just continue to reIease games for other pIatforms

a stupid hope but a hope nonetheIess

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But it's true, never say it will go the other end if you aren't certain it won't do the opposite, Sony isn't neccessarily a savior company so don't treat as such. Second do you really think the nft thing is going to go anywhere, it's going to drop on its own as soon as it began as much as Square wants to push it, give it good 3 months with no progress they will sweep it under the rug as soon they started it and forget about the whole thing

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Even if they did🤞 pray they don't jump in on the bandwagon like Bamco is doing with theirs, but luckily Bamco just made a trademark for one but hasn't begun to surface as fast as Square is doing it

The only good news ofcourse that will come out of it is the end result, where the trend is pretty much a fruitless venture, that really end pretty fast like others that did it before them

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no idea why they're stiII so gung ho

Iike most tech things they don't wanna be caught Iacking Iater on
but Iike
that's not a good idea when peopIe are ACTlVELY opposing you for going in on it

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