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Of course it is George that's why it's taking so long to come out 😂

I would highly prefer that

Yeah; 4 got one too- I can't remember if those existed before X-2 or not though.

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616 is the "main" mcu, right? While I could definitely see mordo coming after someone like Wanda based on where we left him in Dr. Strange 1, I think they made a smart choice by not killing him off (even though they could've just done some multiverse shenanigans to get a replacement version of him if they did)

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I thought I remembered the cut that we got in theatres still mentioning that 616 Mordo was dead?

I believe X-2 was the first sequel for mainline titles? The After Years came in like 09 episodically sorta like Coded's original release. And then released together with IV for the PSP collection(which also included a new playable interlude between the two titles iirc)

The After Years is also in 3D now I think, dunno if it was on DS or if it was remade that way just for mobile but it was released on Android and iOS to match the 3D remake of IV

as far as the main series goes with its sequels/prequels, I think it's in this order but I could be wrong and/or missing some lol

VII: Advent Children(if you count that)
VII: Dirge of Cerberus
XII: Revenant Wings
VII: Crisis Core
IV: The After Years
IV: Interlude
XIII: Lightning Returns

oh and of course Kingsglaive and Brotherhood for XV

but I kinda count them all as one release since it was periodic leading up to XV

whereas the others were made after the success of the originals

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Yeah, Crisis Core actually shows some of the origins of things that first show up in DoC. DoC also had a secret ending that

introduced Genesis who of course later gets expanded on in CC

but then left it open ended and I dont think theyre ever going to follow up on that lol

disclaimer i never played DoC and only remember reading some vague things over a decade ago so some little details on that could be wrong lmfao

but im p sure thats how it goes


I also forgot to include Before Crisis

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If you mean like turned based, well in the future maybe but not like the traditional ones in the past, it's going to be streamlined like Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch, FF12, 14. Overall not a bad thing makes the battles look seamless and real-time like an arpg, move around in battle, avoid spells and attacks all the while taking turns that isn't in a sluggish manner

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yeah but its still in the canon story of VII like Coded to KH

original Coded*

I was just trying to see how well I could remember the FF history with its mainline sequel/prequels tbh lmfao

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Oh no I meant what I said after- that it's a one and done game 😂

That was Sakeguchi's original idea- each games a self contained story and world, familiar elements here and there, but they're their own story- no sequels.

Their current CEO, Itachi I think his name is; he moved in on Square when they went into the red cause of X's delay. His idea was/is "BRO WE NEED SEQUELS AND PREQUELS BRO we got these assets made already- let's get that sweet weeaboo cheddar."

Not an exact quote, but, an accurate one.

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Oh gotcha, yeah I have a feeling Yoshida will probably go with this approach when he said he was going to make a game that will remind everyone of how the originals were, in that sense yes each one is a self contained story and world. Although some exceptions were made, there was a like two sequels to FF4.

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after meeting sephiroth, barret is somehow still loaded
but his model is not

he goes there after the group split up
he was visible until meeting sephiroth

i cant move him either

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