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Oh that's dope

Really hope that's the new weapon we get in the game

Although might be similar to Leviathan Axe

Then again this might be a heavy hitter weapok with thunder so still some difference

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Nah there's something wrong could be minor or bad. 1 delay I'm like aight np but 2 starts to make me question. Also it's luminous engine which me personally I never liked that they continued to use it.

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l need someone excited for this game to teII me why

why are they excited
what is exciting about this

because l don't see anything interesting here

goIIy l sure do Iove
forgetabIe medieviI
combat, gosh there sure is combat and sure does go

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cyberpunk is a rare case of constant delays that end in disaster and yall know that lmao
im not saying the game def will be good but we've seen plenty of it already and i really think the game is getting unnecessary hate for being a new IP. a delay really shouldn't amount for much in this day and age where people are still working from home due to covid

so many games get delayed now

this is no different

but no other game is getting hate for delaying like this game has

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The only reason Cyberpunk gets hate is because it still turned out bad despite the constant delays

It’s like going to a restaurant, waiting three hours for your food, and then finally getting it served burnt

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