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“if you Iike 14 in any way you’II adore 16”
considering there’s a Iot of the same staff, it’s pretty IikeIy 14’s fans’II easiIy come over to 16

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So for anyone who's played God of War 2018, is there stuff that's on the smaller islands that you can't get until later, I'm going to all the locations but I can't seem to find everything not sure if I'm blind or if I need to come back for them

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as someone that's only played a tiny bit of ARR so far, but has heard endless praise about XIV, I'm taking it as "this game is gonna be firetrucking good, trust me"

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still in the process of setting up my office/game room at the new house but i just got the tv mount up and my immediate thought was "it is TIME. we must test how the pad feels here"

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ms. marvel s1e3:

see, what i'd like to know is "how much of what we see of their culture is natural and how much is "well, it happens, but maybe the show embellishes it a little". like, is the choreographed dance number something that's common, or is it more of a "this family wanted to do it" thing?



and yeah hunt, that definitely looks like the ten rings logo. saw the title and i'm like "ah, so the bad guys are gonna be clandestine" (a group i only learned about due to various websites and youtube channels doing analysis on the comics)


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I can let you know when I catch up

I have only seen the first episode and i already have some issues regarding stuff like that

Nothing that ruins the show but it does show a bit of lack of care on their part

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