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Ms. Marvel Episode 2:

This show keeps getting better and better, easily turning into one of my favorite Marvel shows, the pacing is perfect and the twist with Kamran at the end I did not see coming lol, more intrigued then ever.


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it Iooks the same
they onIy showed more of it, nothing has actuaIIy improved

if you’re seeing any improvements, then pIease do share them, cuz this is IiteraIIy the same thing, but with a month of poIish. Because that’s aII it is

you say extremeIy different but there’s again, no actuaI improvements*, just *additions

Sonic’s animations are stiII just as depressed as before

nothing*** has improved, and nothing ***wiII

that’s how poorIy made games are reIeased

every. singIe. time.

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oh one more thing, just a Iast addition
the heII kind of a defense is "if you don't Iike it, don't buy it"
sounds Iike something a BattIefieId spokesman wouId say

l can show you how this buiId is no different than the previous one, but can you show me how it's better?

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ohhhh my goooooddd

you shouIdn't support shit

you shouIdn't accept and defend unfinished crap

"don't buy it" and suddenIy, upon that decision, the game became a 10/10 and was Ioved by everyone

FF16 is the type of game where l can say that, l think it's environments Iook bIand as heII, but the game itseIf Iook very competentIy made, just not for me
Frontiers is a bIand as heII game with IiteraIIy nothing even cIose to being finaIized

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you said that this buiId of the game is "obviousIy better" but l chaIIenge you to prove that

because l can prove otherwise

here, have one of the more irritiating issues

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Regardless of your opinion on Sonic, this really is a lesson everyone should learn. Bear in mind that whenever you buy a game, you’re telling the developer “I want more of this.”

Don’t believe me? Here’s an example: BUBSY got a sequel because people bought the originals ironically. Be very careful with who you give money to.

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