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you don't understand
it's $5 permanentIy
now peopIe wiII actuaIIy buy it to try it out
weII l mean they wouId

except '06 isn't backwards compatibIe with the One or Series systems

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Ms. Marvel first reactions are in, and people are giving it a bunch of praise
people mention of how some characters know the events of Endgames battle will be answered too
Its also a show full of heart and a lot of fun

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And that's Symphonia DOTNW finished. Overall... my opinion on this game hasn't changed. At all* for the most part. Which is pretty much what I expected tbh. All I can really say... is that the main story moves *way too fast and there are overly ridiculous enemies and bosses at times. Convoluted Monster Catching system that I never understood didn't help either. But I'd say I still enjoyed re-experiencing this game overall and it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It's not as good as the first game obviously but the skits are FAR better. I even got the Bad Ending for the first time. I never got it previously (it had a trophy... so...). I'm hoping to start Gravity Rush Remastered tonight. Either way here's my updated Tales of list for anyone that cares:
Symphonia 2

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While Obi-Wan Kenobi is just around the corner, dont forget that Star Wars Celebration kicks off tomorrow! The event begins at around 11:00 am PT

• 11:00AM – 12:30PM: Lucasfilm Studio Showcase

• 1:00PM – 2:00PM: Lucasfilm Publishing: Stories from a Galaxy Far, Far Away

• 1:30PM – 2:30PM: Ian McDiarmid: An Audience with the Emperor

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