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So, here's something I've been thinking about. Toby and Andrew's spideys were both Sony, yeah? And now we've got things like venom and morbius that take place in a different universe. What if the venom and morbius universe somehow ends up being the same as either toby's or Andrew's?

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Captain Carter vs Wanda in new tv spot for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Looks like its been confirmed that this Charles Xavies is the one from the animated series, with the first look of the Golden Hoverchair

New look of Maria Rambeau as Captain Marvel in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

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Replaying Symphonia really has reminded me of why I liked it so much. Great characters and great story. The battle system may not have aged well at all and I might be shit at it... but... it hasn't really mattered at all either.

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