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man, the ONLY two things of worth were GoTG, and FF Origins
the FF remastered coIIection SHOULD have been the saving grace but it was easiIy the worst part because haha do we not aII have phones

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At least we got CHAOS memes to ease some of the pain, lol.

But yeah, this year is lackluster. Is it due to pandemic? Maybe. But… after today, I’m doubling down on tempering my expectations for Nintendo’s direct.

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That game was just weird

It felt like they took 3 different trailers and just put them together one after another

Everytime you think it's going to end, they continue it

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The definition of overstaying its welcome.

If they wanted to show off more gameplay, do a thing like Nintendo Treehouse or something after the presentation.

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No I meant it could be about Alyx releasing on PS VR

Alyx wasn't the most popular on PC. Sold enough but if they slap on the Sony brand and PSVR it could end up being huge.

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