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the new version of Demacia should be rubble if they wanted something to make sense.

Banning magic in a world that magic rich, even with antimagic rock, is the stupidest thing possible for a tiny citystate.

Yes I realize they have a secret group that uses magic anyway but it still severely limits them.

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but it's cool

one piece does it

also, no big power in the world use magic

it's everywhere but very few use it

They really fleshed it out, compared to "that guy joined the league because reason" x 120

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Also I'm less talking about the boom boom benefits of magic.

And more logistics and communication.

Which Noxus should have a gigantic advantage over Demacia with magic.

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And that's one of the most important aspects for winning a war.

Demacia. In the new lore. Should. Be. Rubble.

... anyway on the Noxus side.

Swains lore rework turned him from an ugly cripple who nevertheless rose to the top of Noxus' military through sheer brilliance and strategy.

Into buff bishonen grandpa #247.

Not every champion has to be good looking Riot FFS.

Removing a lot of the mystery about him... eh fine sometimes you have to explain something eventually.

... sorry though I haven't actually played for a long while. As is uh, clearly obvious I really hate their story direction over the past few years and on the company side of things good gods have they been kind of shit for quite a while.

So I don't really want to support them, alas.

Sorry to rant though.

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don't need to be sorry nobody talking anyway

i personally only really care about the cool media comin gout

the details like what you pointed i don't even think about it

i just want swords clashing and fire exploding

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Yeah I admit their videos are still neato sometimes. I'm just really salty over their decision to just toss out the lore I actually found interesting in favor of basically just starting over to turn it into something I find a lot more generic and uninspired.

Also didn't help that everything was super patchy because they kept changing just one country at a time and ignoring everything else.

Honestly I'm still not sure I find it all that cohesive now with the sheer amount of time between reworks for areas of their world in bits and pieces.

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There were also champions that referenced the league in their lore blurbs for years after they got rid of the league.

Also fun fact, Taric and Malphite used to literally be from different dimensions.

Oh and Lux's entire backstory was that she was pretty much a forcibly drafted child soldier due to her natural brilliance when it came to magic.

Literally dragged kicking and screaming from her home for training to be a spy and special ops.

Now she's basically a stock character falling under "dark secret they used to protect the people while hiding lest it destroy their life."


... old Demacia does share the uh. Propoganda machine in full force with new demacia.

Considering her situation was publically phrased as "Proudly volunteered to serve following in her brothers footsteps."

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I feel like every time I see new Lux lore they just make it even worse. Prooobably doesn't help she's my favorite character.

Like, literally everything to do with Sylas and Lux just makes me angry.

especially since stealing spells was her thing and now it's Sylas' thing and also he's a clearly manipulative exploitative RRRGHHHHH.

Lux's light binding used to be, in universe, a result of her copying and tweaking Morgana's dark binding.

Entirely canon she was that good at magic she could reverse engineer spells by watching them cast.

... which is what got her drafted.

But details.

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