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KHMoM *Spoilers* Kingdom Hearts Melody Of Memory Chat

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I've fallen into depression. I've played Vector to the Heavens 126 times now and still can't get the All Excellent. It's those rapid Shadow enemies bunched together right after the glide section. They throw me off every time with their good scores instead of Excellents. I've hit a gaming wall ?

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those shadows arent as fast as you think they are

they're fast, yes, but no where near as fast as their distance apart makes it seem lol

its the reason why a lot of people screw it up

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tbh if there's a group of heartless bunched together like that, i find it hard to rely on the timing for anything beyond Maybe the first of the bunch

there's just too much visual to take in, esp with their attack movements

petition to include a practice mode but the only explanation we give is just a picture of that moment in the song lmaooo

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I'm in full support of a practice mode. It would make learning certain parts of the songs easier, especially when it's just one part tripping you up. I want more content in general for this game.

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