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KHMoM *Spoilers* Kingdom Hearts Melody Of Memory Chat

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id say it's important to the story

if it happened we would never saw what the letters said


i dont think they showed it in bbs

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friend of mine mentioned that her viewers didn't believe her and didn't trust that i was actually blindfolding some songs so here's some impromptu proof lol

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i was playing VS mode blindfolded earlier and ran into this nearly 3k rating player

so i decided to actually try vs them and stop blindfolding lol

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ive actually had an instance once where my opponent and i had the exact same number of misses/goods/yellows/rainbows, but won of us still one by i want to say abt 4,000 points. getting rainbows on ability crystals and jumping targets gives more points than a rainbow on other hit targets, i believe, so u gotta get lucky and hit the same exact number of blues and greens as the person you’re facing lol

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there is at some point. each song changes notes scores to make them always reach 9999999
probably both players making rainbow excellent would make that total score

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