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KHMoM *Spoilers* Kingdom Hearts Melody Of Memory Chat

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People want it, but it's not planned for so unless said otherwise it's not gonna happen

Innocent till proven guilty sort of perspective

It's not uncommon for Rhythm games to have music pack DLCs so it's very possible in the future of the dev team for MoM has time they'll toss in more songs

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if we consider that xehanort had done experiments and knew about unreality, its not hard to assume TWTNW was somehow influenced or connected and is part of the reason xemnas uses it as their base of operations @Twisterthehero94

but we really don't have enough info to even try to make any solid guesses lol

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Hmm...The definition of 'unreality'(according to vocabulary.com) is:


the state of being insubstantial or imaginary; not existing objectively or in fact



the quality possessed by something that is unreal

so yeah, maybe

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Best, most innovative part of this game is it doesn't matter how long you stay on the title screen without pressing anything, the screen doesn't transition to a preview/montage of any kind, so you're free to keep listening to the menu theme. Glad the series finally learned

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I personally don't see much in them, I'll give them a read but at the end they are just reinterpretations that made sense for themselves so they show it to others

I'm not discrediting them or saying don't do them

If it helps ya enjoy the story more who am I to stop you

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